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John Kumah’s Autopsy Report Reveals Cause Of Death6 min read

John Kumah’s Autopsy Report Reveals Cause Of Death<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">6</span> min read</span>

An autopsy conducted on the late Member of Parliament for Ejisu, John Ampontuah Kumah, has ruled out poisoning as the cause of his death.
According to sources, the autopsy conducted on Friday, March 8, 2024, by a certified pathologist determined the cause of his death as due to multiple myeloma, which is a type of blood cancer.

Following the death of the Deputy Minister for Finance on Thursday, March 7, 2024, multiple reports attributed his death to poisoning.

However, a source close to the MP has disclosed that he was diagnosed with multiple myeloma in early 2023, and was undergoing treatment.

Family sources revealed after the MP’s demise that he had earlier returned from Germany when his condition deteriorated, leading to his death.

Multiple myeloma is a type of cancer that affects plasma cells, which are a type of white blood cell responsible for producing antibodies to help fight infections.
In multiple myeloma, abnormal plasma cells grow uncontrollably in the bone marrow and crowd out healthy blood cells. This can lead to weakened bones, anaemia, kidney damage, and suppressed immune function.

The source confirmed that the MP was going through treatment at the University Hospital of Erlangen in Germany for his condition, which at a point led to a fracture in his left arm.

His records at the German Hospital show his diagnosis to include multiple myeloma, dislocated humerus shaft, and extraarticular lateral clavicle fracture (right), among others.

He had, at the time of his death, gone through four chemotherapy sessions, including one at the Sweden Ghana Medical Centre here in Accra at his request.

According to the source, the MP was scheduled to start active treatment in Germany on March 12, 2024, but was discharged against the doctor’s advice so he could attend the Independence Day celebrations on March 6, 2024, before returning for the treatment.
Following a deterioration in his condition, the MP was being transported from Kumasi to Accra when he died midway. He was expected to be flown back to Germany for medical attention.

Meanwhile, Apostle Lilian Kumah, the wife of the late Ejisu MP, speaking in an interview with Asaase News’ Wilberforce Asare in her marital home in Chantan, a suburb in Accra,

self-styled prophet, Nigel Gaisie, before his purported 31 December 2023 prophesy that a deputy minister in Ghana was going to die in 2024, knew that John Kumah was terminally ill because he was close to their family and he was seized with all the facts about the health of the late deputy finance minister and member of Parliament for Ejisu constituency.

Apostle Mrs Lilian Kumah who disclosed this in an exclusive interview with Asaase News noted that her family decided to cut ties with Nigel Gaisie after they heard that he had used the facts that they supplied to him voluntarily because of the relations they had with him to prophesy doom during his watch night service 31 December.

“Nigel Gaisie was like a brother. He knows my late husband, lawyer John Kumah personally, one-on-one. We have sat in this house and eaten together several times. That is how far we go. When he came from abroad to start a church in Ghana, he came to my church, Disciples of Christ Ministries and I did a programme with him dubbed “Let the Prophet Speak”.

“We know him very well and have been aware since November 2023 that the late John Kumah was seriously sick. My husband had a lot of respect for men of Ghana in this country and that included Nigel Gaisie when my husband and I thought he was a genuine man of God,” Apostle Lilian Kumah stated.

“Nigel Gaisie knew very well that my husband was terminally ill as far back as August 2023 but regardless of that, he stood on his altar on 31st December 2023 to lie through his supposed prophesy that a Ghanaian deputy minister will die in the year 2024. What does he want to achieve through these fake prophesies?” John Kumah’s widow further stated.

Mrs. Kumah in the interview alleged that facts available to her point to the fact that Nigel Gaisie’s extramarital affairs have led to his wife packing out of their matrimonial home and in effect, abandoning their marriage.

She also stated that Gaisie has had a very bad record wherever his [so-called ministry] has sent him to the extent that none of the churches he has visited in the past are willing to invite him any longer because of the weakness that follows him everywhere he goes.

“What is surprising to me is that Nigel Gaisie claims that he is a prophet but goes about sleeping with other people’s wives but God has not been able to reveal his ungodly acts to him. He claims to see all that concerns prominent people in Ghana but the extramarital affairs that have caused his wife to leave their marital home has not come to his attention.

“I say on authority that the reason why he is no longer welcomed to several ministries in Ghana is that everywhere he has visited, he went after people’s wives and slept with them which led to the breaking of several homes,” Apostle Lilian Kumah said.

“Nigel Gaisie is not a true man of God, he is a fake prophet and a cheap liar. I dare him to disclose the reason why my family and I cut him off and why he is unable to go to the Church of God in Obuasi. He should be praying to God to reveal his bad ways to him and to give him strength to stop going after other people’s wives,” she added.

The grieving Apostle Mrs Lilian Kumah in a related development on Friday, 8 March 2024, bravely stepped into the offices of the Accra Central Police Headquarters to file a complaint against Captain Smart, a radio and TV presenter with Media General for callously insinuating that her beloved husband died of poisoning.

With tears welling in her eyes, she beseeched the Ghana Police Service to initiate investigations into the statements made by the journalist and to question him regarding the basis of his claims to bring an end to what she says is profound misinformation and injustice.

Lilian Kumah in her interview with Asaase News, expressed deep concern over the damage these unfounded accusations are causing her late husband’s reputation and the family’s well-being, particularly amidst the grieving state they find themselves in.

“If it is true that a person who is not dead but alive claims that he knows how my husband (John Kumah) died and that he was poisoned, and that person is still moving around for the past three weeks, it hurts me, it saddens me and I do not know how best to express my frustrations about these false claims by Captain Smart,” the widow of John Kumah, Apostle Lilian Kumah said.

“If there are laws in this country concerning such false claims, I think this is the time for the leadership of the land to bring that wicked person (Captain Smart) to book to prove his false claims and to point out the persons who were involved in the poisoning of my late husband,” Mrs. Kumah further stated.

Following the tragic passing of the Deputy Finance Minister and MP for Ejisu Constituency, John Kumah, social media hummed with resurfaced video excerpts of Captain Smart alleging deliberate poisoning of the late MP.

Captain Smart suggested, in these weeks-old clips, that some politicians and businessmen orchestrated the poisoning out of spite against the late former deputy finance minister.