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“We Won’t Accept Gayism, Western Aiders Threat To Ghana Over Anti-LGBTQI+ Bill Is Empty” – Moses Foh Amoaning1 min read

“We Won’t Accept Gayism, Western Aiders Threat To Ghana Over Anti-LGBTQI+ Bill Is Empty” – Moses Foh Amoaning<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">1</span> min read</span>

Lawyer Moses Foh Amoaning, Executive Secretary of the National Coalition for Proper Human Sexual Rights and Family Values, has rubbished the claims by some Western countries that they will not support Ghana if it refused to accept same-sex marriage.

Lawyer Foh Amoaning said the threat by the Americans and some other developed countries is empty.

In an interview with Kwame Koranteng on the Ama Ghana Morning Show, he reiterated that “we will not eat ‘trumu.”(we wont accept gayism)

He said, “It is a great disrespect for a person to say if you don’t accept LGBTQI+ we won’t support you.”

Watch the video here…

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