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You Don’t Understand Politics If You Criticize Mahama’s 24-hour Economy Policy – Alan1 min read

You Don’t Understand Politics If You Criticize Mahama’s 24-hour Economy Policy – Alan<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">1</span> min read</span>

Alan Kyerematen, Founder and Leader of the Movement for Change, says those criticizing former President John Mahama’s 24-hour economy policy do not understand politics.

But Alan Kyerematen was quick to tell Mr Mahama that it will take a lot including improving infrastructure in the country to run a 24-hour economy.

He believes that Ghana will need to improve its infrastructure before it can go ahead to run a 24-hour economy.

Alan Kyerematen was speaking at a walk organized by the Movement for Change in the Ashanti Region.

He said his government will look at improving infrastructure in all sectors of the economy in order to easy for businesses to run.

“If I’m elevated to become the President of Ghana, I will focus mainly on industrialization. Industrialization will provide jobs and that will help us run a 24-hour economy. I will also focus on infrastructural development. You cannot run a 24-hour economy if you have not constructed good roads. Lights, telecommunication and others will be provided to make the country a better place for business.

I will also work on Information Technology. Without Information Technology we cannot run a 24-hour economy. I will focus on making Information Technology paramount in my administration. I will also work on improving tourism,” he told a charged crowd in the Ashanti Region during a walk organized on December 2, 2023.